Email Marketing Report: Knowledge Is Power

Marketing 16 minute read 10th September 2024

If you think of reports, you think of in-depth analysis and feedback. And when launching an email campaign, this is precisely what you need to strive toward future success. An email marketing report provides extra direction, giving you a breakdown of your current strategy’s performance.

A thorough analysis is undoubtedly the best way to meet your email marketing goals. A good report contains key metrics, like open rates and engagement stats. With this information, you know how to move forward and have the essential data to make critical business decisions. Knowledge is a non-negotiable aspect of all effective business management.

In this guide, we’ll introduce you to what email marketing reports are, their leading benefits, and some helpful logistical details. Give us just five minutes, and you’ll revolutionize your email marketing campaign approach!

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What Is an Email Marketing Report?

An email marketing report reviews all the data related to your campaign. Businesses usually organize reports to measure things like email marketing KPIs to better understand their performance. This way, they can reinvest and redirect aspects of their strategy as necessary to achieve better results.

These are a few other statistics a marketing report might analyze and contain:

  1. Unsubscribe rate.
  2. Email deliverability.
  3. Open rates.
  4. Engagement types.
  5. Different responses to keywords.
  6. Insights into the best times to email.
  7. Individual email performance stats.

All of these details make for a great campaign monitor approach. Knowledge is power when supporting your email marketing efforts; these stats will help.

Email marketing automation software often collects this information passively. This is the lowest-cost method and is great for quantitative data, such as firm stats like conversion rate.

Most businesses invest in software for their email marketing strategy anyway, as it facilitates things like mass emailing. If you’re purchasing software, look for report features and analytical dashboards, too — they’re handy add-ons.

Alternatively, you could pay an external party (like a consultant or marketer) to organize a report. This human element might be better for qualitative analysis, such as measuring thoughts and feelings. Not everyone wants to figure out human responses, which are teasing emotions from statistics.

It’s essential to understand the difference in how businesses can organize reports. It isn’t just a straightforward category but more of an umbrella term. You can shape it to suit your business, its budget, and the specific data you need.

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3 Benefits of Using Reports for Email Marketing

Analysis is a vital part of all email campaigns, so you can’t go wrong with using (accurate) marketing reports. The primary benefit is that you get the chance to improve — but we’ll unpack that even further in just a second.

It’s interesting to see how much knowledge can impact your business and its operations. What about the benefits of using email marketing reports? Here are the top three pros to consider.

1. Identify Gaps

Sometimes, you don’t have to look far to spot a problem. Some mistakes are blaring. For instance, having faulty addresses in your email list that you don’t notice until the report reveals your bounce rate.

Identifying gaps in your approach is one of the most valuable benefits of launching email marketing reports. Little trip-ups could be costing you a lot behind the scenes. These stats are more personal than simple traffic insights from Google Analytics.

2. Improve Approaches

Reports have the power to fine-tune how you approach your campaigns. Rather than addressing gaps, this is more about redirecting and more carefully aligning current strategies. For instance, note that emails with subject lines containing % statistics have a higher opening rate, so use more of these.

Reports help you see what’s working and what you should do to achieve greater success.

3. Shift Budgets

Money isn’t everything, but it sure as hell matters in business. Knowing where you should allocate funds is detrimental when organizing any sort of marketing campaign. You want to put your money somewhere that it will actually make a difference, don’t you?

If a report tells you that you’ve got a high unsubscribing rate, you might invest in making subscribing more valuable. For instance, organizing discounts and weekly prize giving. Or, if your customers aren’t following through with engagement and there’s a high click-through, you could invest in personalization.

An excellent report gives you direction on where and what you should allocate funds to in order to see the most progress. You aren’t going in blind.

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How Do I Email Real Estate Market Reports?

Emailing formal reports can seem like an ultra-sterile and serious affair. The key is establishing authority and trustworthiness beforehand to incorporate a healthy degree of personability. So, if you’re wondering, “How do I email real estate market reports,” don’t worry. We’ve got you covered:

  1. Organize, review, and structure your data.
  2. Write a fitting address (using personalization software tools if possible to build rapport).
  3. Summarize your findings in a professional yet engaging way.
  4. Create a catchy subject line that enticingly preempts your findings.
  5. Send the report to lukewarm or warm contacts — an established list of recipients.
  6. Advertise your email subscription list by highlighting the value of this data.

Statistics are a useful bargaining tool in email marketing content. Offering data paints you as a valuable expert and justifies that subscription button. It’s a win-win, right?

While we’re focusing on email reports to analyze your business, it’s helpful to see the shoe “on the other foot.” How could you apply all this new information to your strategy?

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A Sample Email Marketing Report Template

When it comes to email marketing, reporting is pretty individualistic. It really depends on what the business owner wants to know. And whether or not they opt for a more standardized software-generated report or a human approach. Because of these factors, it’s difficult to provide a definitive email marketing report template.

That said, we’re here to give that a go. Email marketing report templates can be useful for reviewing and deciding what information to prioritize collecting. So, take this as food for thought.

Period: Statement of the period that the report is measuring.

Goals: If relevant, a report may provide an overview of current goals.

Overview: Next are the overview-type stats (think click-through rate and overall engagement figures).

Reports may or may not display these figures in a chart format. Bar and pie charts are especially popular.

More specific figures: For instance, a breakdown of the relationship between the times you send emails and the engagement rate. Or potential pain points like bounce rates or unsubscriptions.

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How Much To Budget

Your monthly email marketing software subscription may already include a report feature. Our first piece of advice is to check your software’s inclusions. If it’s already included, it could mean you do not have to budget extra.

If you still need to invest in software, it costs around $20 a month and is definitely worthwhile. You can check out the best email marketing software of 2024 or just quickly Google to scan reviews yourself. Even without a report feature, you could create a DIY report with enough analytical information. Platforms like Google Analytics or your software’s dashboard come in handy for this.

To purchase a report from an email marketing consultant can cost as much as $100 to $200 an hour. But, of course, you’ll experience a much more personalized process and get more advanced and human feedback. It all depends on what you want to get out of the report. And how much wiggle room do you have in your budget?

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Don’t rush off yet; as tempting as it is to start pulling together valuable insights immediately. When tackling any form of marketing report, you’ve got to be informed about all the logistics and legal restrictions. In this section, we’ll very quickly get you up to speed on some critical details.

Can you get reported for bulk email marketing?

Yes and no. Bulk email marketing is legal and a popular strategy in many effective campaigns. However, it does come with a caveat: You cannot use mass email sending irresponsibly.

If the email contains sensitive or personal information, bulk sending can land you in hot water. Be mindful of data protection laws and regulations in your countries of operation. With such a large potential impact, mass emailing obviously comes with more considerations.

What information does an email marketing report include?

Generally, email marketing reports include stats like unsubscription, bounce, and conversion rates. They give an overview of performance for that given period and extra insights on different aspects of your campaign.

These reports often include a mixture of graphs (like pie or bar charts) and written summaries. The amount of detail varies depending on how people or software generate the report and who creates it.

Why should I use reports for email marketing?

Using reports in email marketing helps to keep you in the loop in regards to your own performance. You’ll understand exactly where you are going right, and where you’re going wrong.

This results in a more finely tuned approach to your email marketing campaign. You can readjust budgets, identify gaps, and ultimately achieve better success rates.

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Beambox: Improving Your Email List

Often, issues boil down to your email list. Perhaps the email addresses are bouncing, so incorrect or outdated?

Perhaps people are unsubscribing like wildlife and need replacing while you concentrate on improving marketing content. Or maybe your email list just doesn’t match your target demographic at all.

Whatever your issue, utilizing a captive portal system is a great solution. Captive portals fit your existing guest WiFi system, temporarily barring access and sending visitors to a pop-up webpage.

This webpage has a customizable form, and you can request details like email addresses in exchange for WiFi. This way, you passively build a database of contacts who actually already care about your business.

At Beambox, our all-in-one WiFi marketing platform, we offer a customizable portal you’ll love. Build a better email list after reviewing your email marketing report, and start your free Beambox trial today!

Grow your business and customer loyalty with guest WiFi!

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